Frequently Asked Questions
Q. With stations 3 to 4 metres apart won’t the termites simply miss the Termiwatch stations and go straight to my home undetected?
A. Termite activity, when foraging for food, is generally subterranean and when foraging, termites will move randomly criss-crossing their paths in their never ending quest to locate a source of nutrition. Termites in this mode will generally operate just below the surface and are in a state of constant movement so by placing Termiwatch stations no more than 4 metres apart, it would be extremely unlikely that ALL members of a termite colony would bypass EVERY station. Yes, some members of a colony may go directly to your house but there would defintely be others that would be attracted to a Termiwatch station and their ensuing activity would then be seen.
Q. I have seen systems for sale on the internet where the stations sit on top of the ground. Are they just as good?
A. The short answer is a resounding no! From a practical point of view, simply having a station exposed leaves it open to all sorts of damage such as that caused by animals or children knocking it over etc. Also, damage by nature is a big factor with above ground stations in that too much water is lethal for termites and stations in a locale that may be prone to flooding or heavy rain, may kill termites in the vicinity but this may mask any damaging termite activity. One very important factor that also needs to be kept in mind, is that termites are cold blooded creatures and temperature highly influences their activity. At temperatures above +38 degrees C and below -4 degrees C, termites will die. Through their movements termites will avoid these extremes and in Australia reaching these temperatures on the soil, is not difficult and hence, termites will avoid surface mount stations and move to more optimal temperatures below the surface.
Q. Can I buy six stations to protect my home?
A. NO! In our professional opinion, supplying only 6 stations to protect a typical Australian home is nonsense. With an average Australian house having a perimeter of about 65 metres, stations could then only be placed a minimum of 10 metres apart and we always advocate a maximum separation distance of 4 metres between our stations for optimum efficacy. You wouldn’t buy a car with 3 wheels so why would you not buy a proven, comprehensive termite detection system such as Termiwatch?
Q. I have a concrete floor home. Will termites still get in?
A. Yes, in fact, concrete floor homes are more likely to conceal termite entry and damage. Termites won’t eat concrete however we’ve had numerous experiences of termites finding minute openings within concrete pads and walls where they’ve entered a house and then wreaked their carnage. Sometimes it may be a tiny air pocket or flaw in the laying of the concrete that may create a path for termites. It may even be a point in the concrete through which plumbing or electrical services enter. Whatever method, even with a concrete floor, termites will track a way into your home if they find a source of food. There is a degree of complacency, with regards to termites, that one can get with this type of construction and this should be dismissed as immunity from termite attack is not guaranteed … your home is your biggest investment and you need to look after it!
Q. My home is only twelve months old. Do I still need a termite protection strategy?
A. To comply with Australian Building Codes, termite repellent needs to be included at the time of construction. This may include spraying the soil, anti-termite reticulation, physical barriers etc. These methods are all necessary and DO work. They should give you protection for a minimum of 5 years however if in doubt, please consult your builder to discuss which method was used in the construction. So with a new construction, a Termiwatch installation would generally not be required for a number of years however if you have any doubt, please contact us.
Q. Will my household insurance cover any termite damage?
A. No. Generally household building insurance will not cover any repairs required due to termite attack however we suggest confirming this with your insurance company. The one thing to consider is that prevention is always better than a cure and as a preventative to termite damage, Termiwatch is hard to beat.
Q. Do termites fly?
A. Yes. When a termite colony reaches full maturity, a colonising flight takes place normally on a hot balmy night, releasing thousands of future kings and queens. Once they land, a king and queen will unite and head underground to form a new colony. The following video will show you exactly what a swarm of termites can look like…
Q. If I have a lot of black ants, does that mean I won’t have termites?
A. No. This is actually a bit of an urban myth. Even though ants are predators, termites reside in sealed galleries, tunnels etc and the nature of these constructions stops the entry of black ants. So if you have blank ants present, don’t assume there are no termites in fact the two can often be found infesting a house simultaneously. Also, a termite colony has ‘soldiers’ whose sole duty is to protect the colony against these type of predators and the following video will give you some understanding of the relationship that exists between ants and termites…